Technical Department
Responsible for:
1. Monitoring Stratutory and Class Survey Status and arranging required surveys to be carried out in time in co-operation with the Operations dept Manager and the Fleet Manager.
2. Monitoring the Company's working system- PMS by checking that all Company's Circular Letters and General Letters are correctly implemented onboard the vessels.
3. Follows up the vessel technical matters by reading all e-mails/ telexes/ fax/, mail reports and checks that proper and prompt actions are taken by the responsible staff of the appropriate department to deal with any outstanding or routine matter
4. He is in continuous regular communication with the Master and Chief Engineer to ensure optimum performance of equipment and machinery
5. Attending the ships at least every three months. Also attending during major repairs and Dry-dock.
6. Responsible to check whether the vessel is implementing the Company's working system and is in conformity with the provisions of the relevant rules and regulations.
7. Checking the requisitions for lubricants, spare parts/ supplies.
8. Evaluating vessel's repairs request in order to find the most suitable workshop to attend the job, taking in consideration tha quoted cost/ time involved/ quality and vessel's trading commitments. The obtained quotations are submitted to Fleet Manager for approval.
9. Attending vessel for carrying out inspections/ maintenance work and/or repairs accompanied by appropriate riding team.
10. Supervising the hired teams employed by the Company to carry out cleaning and repairs work or deck/ tanks maintenance, for efficiency/ quality and time spent advising Operation Manager and Fleet Manager as required.
11. Keeping electronic records for all certificates and surveys of the vessels and is in charged to send originals onboard vessels.
12. In co-ordination with Fleet Manager and Operations Manager is applying to Class Societies for required attendance and updating status of last dry-dock, Special/Intermediate surveys and Tailshaft inspections giving also the next due dates for all vessels.
13. Maintain files/ records of all workshops available in ports where the vessel is usually calling. In ports where availability of workshops is unclear investigation is carried out through the nominated Agents.
14. Maintain separate files for each repair/service carried out where cost, quality and time is being clearly stated
15. For occasional repairs/ services the vessel submits a repair requisition clearly stating description of damage and proposed repair. Under instructions of the Fleet Manager for specific port the Technical Manager s obtaining offers with repair procedure, including cost and time from two or three local workshops. The quotations received are recorded in a comparison table and submitted to the Fleet Manager to select the most suitable one and then submitted to the Management for approval. As soon as the required shore assistance (repairs/services) is awarded vessel is instructed by Technical Manager to land items in need of repairs. To this effect, vessel is preparing a landing report for local Agents. In some occasions and depending on the urgency of repair, offers are obtained after landing the machinery/ part for repair.
16. He is responsible to the Fleet Manager for following duties/responsibilities: a. Daily report for main machinery performance. Issues daily reports based on the noon reports and updating Fleet Manager and Operations Manager for: -M/E, BLR and D/G extra fuel consumption -Vessels' low speed, high slip -M/E, A/E high exhaust temperatures, high scavenging temps, high T/C inlet temps -M/E A/C high pressure drop b. Monthly reports Lub Oil Analysis Drew or Ameroid Service Engineer attendance Boiler Water Treatment and Cooling Water Treatment Logs Records wear down of Main Engine cylinder liners and piston grooves. c. He is responsible for creation of the PMS database (machinery maintenance tasks-spare parts inventory), checking tha implementation of the computerized system and follow-up of vessels' PMS reporting in time.
17. Prepares new electronic application forms, which are gradually added on the existing PMS electronic system. These forms are based in Makers instructions, Classification recommendations and industry experience.
18. Participates, when required, in the investigation of accidents, security incidents, near misses, NCRs, for preventing reoccurrence.
19. Supervising the hired teams employed by the Company to carry out cleaning and repairs work or deck/ tanks maintenance, for efficiency/ quality and time spent advising Technical Coordinator as required.
20. Regarding Paints/Lubricants he has the following duties/responsibilities:
21. Maintains files/records for all contracted and certain non contracted lubricants suppliers
22. ROB and average consumption of the three main grades (system, cylinder, generator) based on vessels reports.
23. co-ordinates with the lube oil supplier for the issuing of the lubrication charts, compatibility of lube oil grades, etc.
24. Reports to Fleet Manager abnormal consumption of the three main grades.
25. Proposes quantities to be ordered .
26. Performs the duties of Internal Auditor.
27. Participates when required, in the investigation of accidents, security incidents, near misses, NCRs, for preventing reoccurrence.
28. Trouble shooting onboard for cargo/ballast operation.
29. Attending vessels pre-purchase inspection, delivery/undelivery.
30. Attending cargo surveys, bunker surveys.
31. Attending vessels dry-dock and repairs as required.
32. Monitor performance of crew and report accordingly